My School Manager is the best school management system in india. A school management system (SMS) is a software application designed to streamline and manage various administrative and academic tasks in a school. It typically includes modules for attendance, grades, Exam scheduling, communication, Home work, School Bus Traking, Bulk Announcement and more.
Schools need a School Management System (SMS) for several key reasons, including efficiency, communication, and organization.
No, we setup the functionality based on school need if the module not required then we not setup it for school. If module need in future we will add without any cost.
Our cost is based on strength of students and teachers. 20 INR per Student and 25 INR per Teacher when the school strength is less than 1000. Price is based on per year.
Modern dynamic website cost is 5000 INR per Year. In this we purchase the domain and Hosting, managing maintenance it and renewals it.
We provide free trials for full satisfied before purchase after trial you purchase your software . So, we not provide refund amount. after purchasing dynamic website domain we not refund amount.
These are our valuable clients which use My School Manager Application.